NO | 제목 | 작성일 | 조회수 |
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[Result] 9th Scholarship Internaitonal Ballet Competition
2024.08.08 │ 조회수 : 256
2024.08.08 | 256 |
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【2024 코리아 잡(Job) 오디션 결과】
2024.08.06 │ 조회수 : 218
2024.08.06 | 218 |
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[Schedule] 9th SIBC Final
2024.07.27 │ 조회수 : 1,339
2024.07.27 | 1,339 |
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Finalists of Senior_9th Scholarship International Ballet Competition
2024.07.27 │ 조회수 : 464
2024.07.27 | 464 |
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Finalists of JuniorⅡ_9th Scholasrhip International Ballet Competition
2024.07.27 │ 조회수 : 588
2024.07.27 | 588 |
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Finalists of JuniorⅠ_Scholarship International Ballet Competition (수정)
2024.07.27 │ 조회수 : 562
2024.07.27 | 562 |
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Finalists of Pre-Junior_9th Scholasrhip International Balle Competition
2024.07.27 │ 조회수 : 605
2024.07.27 | 605 |
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[Notice] 2024, 9th Scholarship International Ballet Competition & Wokshop
2024.07.17 │ 조회수 : 1,706
2024.07.17 | 1,706 |
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2024년 제9회 스칼라십 국제발레콩쿠르 본선 및 워크숍 안내
2024.07.09 │ 조회수 : 1,740
2024.07.09 | 1,740 |
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〈차세대 무용수를 모십니다!〉예비예술인 공연 참가자 공지
2024.07.09 │ 조회수 : 363
2024.07.09 | 363 |